





《In the End》(结果到头来)是林肯公园(Linkin Park)乐队在全球影响力最大的一首歌。所属专辑《Hybrid Theory》。《Hybrid Theory》是林肯公园在2000年出的第一张专辑,一出就大受欢迎,震动了世界摇滚乐界,到2001年为止就卖出了1500万张,销量惊人。此专辑由Don Gilmore(Pearl Jam、Lit、Eve6)担纲制作,多首热门单曲的专辑成为了2001年美国和新西兰最畅销的唱片。

值得注意的是,他们的这张专辑中的歌曲歌词都相当干净,没有任何脏话出现,这与其他的一些新金属乐队的歌曲形成了鲜明的对比。此专辑最受欢迎单曲分别有“One Step Closer”、“Points of Authority”及“Crawling”、“Runaway”等劲曲。 主唱在嗓音上有着相当精彩的诠释,林肯公园深具爆发力的“说”、“唱”、“和声”,加上多重音乐代表的包装及出道之初所保持的摇滚冲劲,皆印证在此张优质专辑中。

收录曲《In the End》,不提前奏的悲凉,不提高潮的震撼,单是歌词,在末尾的那一句:"In the end,it doesn't even matter!"就足以让人瞬间产生发自内心的感慨。林肯公园(Linkin Park)是新世代的音乐顽童,无门无派,嬉笑怒骂游走于各门各派之间,博采众家之长,尽情炫出E时代音乐风情。

In the end英文歌词:

It starts with one thing

I don't know why

It doesn't even matter

How hard you try

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme

To explain in due time

All I know

Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by

As the pendulum swings

Watch it count down

To the end of the day

The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal

Didn't look out below

Watch the time go

Right out the window

Trying to hold on,

But didn't even know

Wasted it all just

To watch you go

I kept everything inside and

Even though I tried,

It all fell apart

What it meant to me will

Eventually be a

Memory of a time when

I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

One thing,

I don't know why

It doesn’t even matter

How hard you try,

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme,

To remind myself how

I tried so hard

In spite of the way

You were mocking me

Acting like I was

Part of your property

Remembering all the

Times you fought with me

I'm surprised it got so (far)

Things aren't the way

They were before

You wouldn't even

Recognise me anymore

Not that you

Knew me back then

But it all comes

Back to me (in the end)

You kept everything inside

And even though I tried,

It all fell apart

What it meant to me will

Eventually be a

Memory of a time when I

I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

In the end 中文歌词:

现在 有件事 我不明白 为什么



写下这首歌曲 在适当的时间 作一下解释


时间是宝贵的 看着它随着钟摆飞逝



如此的不真实 我没有料到以下的事


我努力地想坚持 但却不知道

我投入一切的结果 是看着你离我而去


即使我努力过 也无济于事


最后都 成为了一段往事






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